
How To Add a Grid Style Category Section In Blogger

How To Add a Grid Style Category Section In Blogger, Grid Style Category Section, Blogger

In this article, I will show you how you can add a grid style category section in Blogger.

Usually we get limited customization options in blogger as we don't have any plugin support in it. So we have to depend on custom coding for everything.

So, that's why I will share you the code that will help you to display a category section in blogger website. It is completely built using only HTML and CSS code and is fully responsive across all types of devices.

So, let's see how to add this grid layout in Blogger.

How To Add a Grid Style Category Section In Blogger

  • Login to your blogger blog Dashboard.
  • Then go to Theme > > Edit HTML.
  • Click anywhere inside the code area and press Ctrl + F keys to open the search box.
  • Now, Search for </head> tag and paste below code just above of this tag.


.TG-grid {padding: 5px;text-align: center;}

.TG-grid ul {clear: both;margin: 15px 0 20px;width: 100%;display: flex;flex-wrap: wrap;justify-content: space-between;}

.coll-3 ul li {width: 30%;}

.TG-grid li {font-size: 0.9em;font-weight: 500;line-height: 1.3em;text-align: center;background: #ffffff;border-radius: 5px;margin: 5px 0;box-sizing: border-box;box-shadow: rgb(0 0 0 / 24%) 0px 3px 8px;padding: 10px 0 10px;display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;}

ul, ol {list-style: none;padding: 0;margin: 0;}

.TG-grid li a {display: block;text-decoration: none;color: #333;}

.TG-grid li svg {margin: 3px 0;width: 35px;height: 35px;fill: #26ae61;display: inline-block;}

.TG-grid li span {display: block;padding: 0 3px;}


  • Now, Search for </header> tag and paste below code just after of this tag.

<div class='content-wrapper full-row'>

          <div class='TG-grid coll-3 icon-p-2'>



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    <a href='#' title='Subscribe'><svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewbox='0 0 32 32'><g><path d='M29.73,9.9A5,5,0,0,0,25.1,5.36a115.19,115.19,0,0,0-18.2,0A5,5,0,0,0,2.27,9.9a69,69,0,0,0,0,12.2A5,5,0,0,0,6.9,26.64c3,.24,6.06.36,9.1.36s6.08-.12,9.1-.36a5,5,0,0,0,4.63-4.54A69,69,0,0,0,29.73,9.9Zm-2,12A3,3,0,0,1,25,24.65a113.8,113.8,0,0,1-17.9,0,3,3,0,0,1-2.78-2.72,65.26,65.26,0,0,1,0-11.86A3,3,0,0,1,7.05,7.35C10,7.12,13,7,16,7s6,.12,9,.35a3,3,0,0,1,2.78,2.72A65.26,65.26,0,0,1,27.73,21.93Z'/><path d='M21.45,15.11l-8-4A1,1,0,0,0,12,12v8a1,1,0,0,0,.47.85A1,1,0,0,0,13,21a1,1,0,0,0,.45-.11l8-4a1,1,0,0,0,0-1.78ZM14,18.38V13.62L18.76,16Z'/></g></svg>




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