How To Add a Copyright Notice And Source Link To Copied Text In Blogger

Many popular websites add "source" links and "copyright" notices when the content is copied from the webpage. It helps when someone shares information with their friends, it adds a link to the site as a referee. Adding links to copied text helps to generate more traffic. Copyright also informs those who are trying to steal content from your site, it gives them a clear message.

If your website or blog is on a blogger. So today I will teach you that you can add copyright notice and source link to your website by following very easy steps.

How To Add a Copyright Notice And Source Link To Copied Text In Blogger

  • Go To Blogger >> Select Theme >> Select Edit HTML.
  • Click anywhere inside the code area and press Ctrl + F keys to open the search box.
  • Now, Search for </body> tag and paste below code just above of this tag.

<script type='text/javascript'>
!function(e,t){var n="getSelection",o="removeAllRanges",i="addRange",l="parentNode",a="firstChild",d="appendChild",r="removeChild",s="test",c="innerHTML";if(e[n]){var p,g,f,h,u,y;t.addEventListener("copy",function(C){for(;3===g.nodeType;)g=g[l];if(h=t.createElement("div"),(p=e[n]())&&p.rangeCount&&(p=p.getRangeAt(0))&&(f=p.cloneRange(),p=p.cloneContents())){for(;u=p[a];)h[d](u);if(!/^(pre|code)$/i[s](g.nodeName||"")&&!/(^|\s)no-attribution(\s|$)/i[s](g.className||"")){var v=e.location.href;h[c]+="<br><br>© "+t.title+'<br>Source: <a href="'+v+'">'+v+"</a>"}y=t.createRange(),t.body[d](h),y.selectNodeContents(h),p=e[n](),p[o](),p[i](y),setTimeout(function(){h[l][r](h),p[o](),p[i](f)})}},!1)}}(window,document);

  • Click Save Theme.